Mark A. Anderson - Cary NC, US
Cerelisa C. Burr - Cary NC, US
Scott B. Greer - Cary NC, US
Richard B. Southard - Clayton NC, US
International Business Machines Corporation - Armonk NY
International Classification:
G06F 3/048
Display of message flow interactions corresponding to service invocations in a computing environment based on a service-oriented distributed computing model. Aggregations are created, where multiple instances of a particular deployed service operation may be represented by a single node (even though those instances may be hosted on different application servers). Links are depicted between the nodes, where the links represent call paths or invocations among the service operations. A user obtains a high-level, in-context view of the as-observed interactions among service operation instances, and may drill down for further details. A presentation to the user can be automatically scoped to the set of services which are observed as interacting (i. e. , via their call relationships), so that the user can be shown that part of the environment that is immediately relevant to a context in which the user launches the view.