Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery
9735 N 90Th Pl, Scottsdale 85258
(602) 953-9500 (Phone), (602) 953-1782 (Fax)
Cervical & Lumbar Spine Surgery, Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement, Degenerative Scoliosis, lumbar and cervical microdiscectomies, Minimally - Invasive Spine Surgery, Spinal Fusion
Anterior Cervical Microdiskectomy and Fusion, Arthritis, Cervical Herniated Disc, Disc Replacement Surgery, Lumbar Fusions, Lumbar herniated discs, Minimally Invasive and Navigational Procedures, Spinal / Disc Disorders, Spinal Stenosis and Spinal Instability
English, Chinese, Mandarin
9735 N 90Th Pl, Scottsdale 85258
Scottsdale Healthcare - Shea Medical Center
9003 East Shea Blvd, Scottsdale 85260
Scottsdale Healthcare - Thompson Peak Hospital
7400 East Thompson Peak Pkwy, Scottsdale 85255
Oasis Hospital
750 North 40Th St, Phoenix 85008
Surgical Specialty Hospital of Arizona
6501 North 19Th Ave, Phoenix 85015
As a physician I am dedicated to working together with my patients to identify the cause of their problems and finding the least invasive treatment that works for them. I believe that providing excellent medical treatment in a compassionate environment is the key to achieving long-term success.
Medical School
David Geffen School Of Medicine At UCLA
Stanford Univ-Stanford Hosp & Clins
The Southern California Orthopedic Institute
Stanford University