We provide home birth services in your home.
1430 Spillers Ln, Houston 77043
(281) 536-8993 (Phone), (713) 973-0629 (Fax)
Breast Exams, Breastfeeding Counseling, Family Planning, Contraceptive Care & Counseling, Pap Smear, Pregnancy Care, Pregnancy or Ob (Obstetric) Care, Prenatal Care, Prenatal Care & Counseling, Preventative Care
Breast Exam, Breast Feeding, Family Planning, Obstetrics, Preconception Counseling, Primary Care
I believe in and support the ACNM's position statement on birth as follows:
"A normal physiologic labor and birth is one that is powered by the innate human capacity of the woman and fetus. This birth is more likely to be safe and healthy because there is no unnecessary intervention that disrupts normal physiologic processes ." (, 2012).
Medical School
University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston
Graduated: 2005
University Of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
Graduated: 2003