Glow Healthcare Integrative Medicine
2332 NW Irving St, Portland 97210
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine
Awards:, The Heart of Natural Medicine
"Health is balanced energies that allow the body and mind to do what it needs to heal."
I do this by using a new paradigm that helps me assess what's happening to you and to get you to feel better.
I define balance in a context of natural medicine and healing in three ways.
Balance is giving enough attention to the activities needed by the body mind and spirit to stay healthy and meet life's challenges.
The energy of the body can be read through its various pulses giving us a working picture of that balance. We are receptive only to those medicines or substances that are compatible with our energy at that given moment.
What I have found in practice is that by rebalancing those body pulses, the body can then recognize symptoms or problems, physical, mental or spiritual and inherently know how to correct them utilizing another basic naturopathic tenet of vis medicatrix naturae, the healing power of nature.