John Clark Nursing Center - Middletown, RI
South Kingstown Nursing Center - West Kingston, RI
Shady Acres - West Kingston, RI
Staff RN
South County Hospital - Wakefield, RI
Lafayette Nursing & Rehabilitation
Warwick Animal Hospital - Warwick, RI
St. Joseph - North Providence, RI
Diploma in Nursing
Providence College - Providence, RI
General Education
IV Therapy; Blood Transfusions; IV pumps/ PCA; piggyback meds; IV push meds; Newborn IV management, retrograde IV administation of Meds for Newborn, Micro IV pump for Pedi/Newborns. <br/>Reinfusion of pts. own blood via Suretrans Post-op drainage system; Hemovac drain care; JP drain care. <br/>Nephrotube care; ileal conduit catherterization & care; urostomy care; straight & Foley catheterization and care; sterile urine collection.<br/>NG tube insertion and care; Levin/SalemSump tube care to suction or drainage a/o; G-tube feeding via pump and care; ileostomy care; colostomy care; enemas; Hemm. care.<br/>O2 admin. therapy; humidified as indicated; via NC, mask, Venti mask or NonRB; administered nebulizer treatments & Inhalers; Pulse Oximetry; Chest tube management & care; monitor ABGs. 02 delivery and monitoring for the newborn. <br/>Muscular-Skeletal: CPM machine; Total Hip Precautions; Knee immobilizer; Venodyne boots; safe & proper transfer of all pts.<br/>Glucometer; know facility protocols for low and high BS readings and followed. Heparin administation protocol, Monitor Appt lab value, adjust Heparin dose via pump per protocol. Coumadin: monitor PT/INR daily; obtain dose from MD. <br/>AP pulse; monitor activity tolerance w/ Pulse Ox during activity; monitor Telemetry; follow Chest pain protocol; Sub-L. Nitro a/o; Communicate w/ ICU Telemetry Designee via intercom during CP episode; V.S. stat. Monitor pt.'s color, skin temp and moistness, presence of edema.<br/>OB: External Fetal Monitor (EFM); Non-stress Tests; Test for ROM; Vaginal Exams to assess cervix; Baby Warmer equipment checks; Resuss. equipment at the ready; Open up the OR for emergency C-section and trained to scrub in & assist. Administer meds to stop PTL, as ordered. Assist MD w/ insertion of Foley balloon into cervix for cervical ripening prior to Induction of Labor. <br/>Computer Charting; Completing Interagencies prior to D/C or Transfer; Implementing Care Plans & evaluating, discontinue Nsg Dx's that have goals met and adjusting as needed. Discharge planning and Teaching.