Anoscopy, Body Composition, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Gastric Cancer, Gastroenteritis, Gastrointestinal Cancer
Abdominal Pain, Biliary Tract Problems, Burning Mouth Syndrome, Colon Diseases & Polyps, Colonoscopy, Diarrhea, Digestive Diseases, Endoscopy, Gall Bladder & Liver Disease, Gallstones, Gastric (Stomach) Ulcer, Gastric Cancer, Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, Gastroenteritis, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Gastrointestinal Diseases & Disorders, Gastrointestinal Tumors, Gastroparesis, Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy, Malignancy, Metabolic Syndrome X, Obesity, Obstructive Jaundice, Primary Liver Cancer (Hepatoma)
Gastroenterology, 2008, Internal Medicine, 2004
Cedars Sinai Medical Office Towers
8631 W 3Rd St SUITE 1015E, Los Angeles 90048
Cedars - Sinai Medical Center
8700 West Beverly Blvd, West Hollywood 90048
Cedars Sinai Medical Office Towers
8631 W 3Rd St SUITE 1015E, Los Angeles 90048
Cedars - Sinai Medical Center
8700 West Beverly Blvd, West Hollywood 90048
Provide highest quality care focusing on wellness, preventive health, and early diagnosis. We use multiple treatment approaches, including nutrition and medications. We perform all standard endoscopic procedures including colonoscopy, upper endoscopy, and wireless pill capsule endoscopy.
Medical School
University Of California, San Diego, School Of Medicine
Graduated: 2001
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Graduated: 2002
Graduated: 2004
UCLA Medical Center
Graduated: 2008
Graduated: 1996
UCLA Masters Of Science In Clinical Research-Nutrition