Addiction Counseling, Personal Counseling, Psychiatrist
Doing business as:
Lakeway Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Lakeway Psychiatry and Behavioral Health is committed to providing comprehensive psychiatric services to our patients. We are an outpatient psychiatric medical clinic that utilizes a holistic approach...
2806 Flintrock Trce STE A204, Austin, TX 78738 (Mailing)
2806 Flintrock Trce A204, Austin, TX 78738
Reza Rezaee (DIRECTOR), 2806 Flintrock Trce SUITE A204, Austin, TX 78738,Ziba Rezaee (MANAGING D), 2806 Flintrock Trce SUITE A204, Austin, TX 78738
Service area:
Austin, Lakeway, Bee Cave, Cedar Park, Round Rock,
Behavioral Medicine Psychiatrists & Psychologists, Clinics
Open Hours:
M-Su 8am-5pm (We have select after hour appointments from 5 pm-7 pm and saturday morning from 9 am to 12 pm. These appointments need to be scheduled on individual basis. )
Payment options:
American Express, Cash, Check, ...