Buyer's Agent, Listing Agent, Relocation, Consulting
1571 Pontiac Rd SE, Grand Rapids 49506
<br class="MsoNormal"/><br/><p>Sell Your Home for 4% Commission<br/>Full Service, Includes MLS!</p>We list homes for 4% TOTAL Sales Commission<p>(Includes MLS)</p>No gimmicks, no kidding!<p>Our full-service real estate team will sell your home for a<strong><br/>TOTAL sales commission of 4%, regardless of price</strong>.</p><p><strong>Here's an example...</strong></p><p class="highlight">* We always pay buyer's agents competitive commisssions, so your home sells fast and for TOP DOLLAR!</p><p>What is Full Service?</p><p>My traditional client services include...</p>MLS & Internet listingSigns & LockboxesPersonal Showings to all prospective buyersComplete analysis & advice, negotiation, counter-offer preparationCompletion of all required paperworkAnd more.....<p>You don't have to pay high commission fees for traditional full-service real estate professionals.</p><p>At KMFProperties, provide our clients with superior service and results at a price that others simply cannot or will not match. And we can help you, too<br/><br/>Prior to joining the Real Estate industry I received my Bachelor of Business degree in Finance and Commercial Law from Western Michigan University. In addition, I have a Bachelor of Science from Grand Valley State University and currently working on my Masters degree at Rutgers. I bring over 15-years of executive level sales experience and have worked with hundreds of satisfied clients. This experience has afforded me the knowledge and expertise to do what is best for my clients at all times putting their needs above all others. <br/><br/>I am a person of good character, with ambitious purposes, a congenial disposition, possessed of good morals and deep sense of personal responsibility. Your total satisfaction is my goal for you, your family and nothing less.</p><br/><br/><p class="MsoNormal">It's proof that when you offer a superior level of service, the word spreads fast. I look forward to being your Realtor of choice.</p><br/><br/>