Senior Physical Therapist at Sargent Rehabilitation Center, Physical Therapist at Sargent Rehabitation Center
Providence, Rhode Island Area
Sargent Rehabilitation Center
since Oct 2003
Senior Physical Therapist
Sargent Rehabitation Center
since 2003
Physical Therapist
St. Joseph's Hospital of Ann Arbor, MI
- Ann Arbor, MI 2001 - 2003
per diem Physical Therapist
Kaiser Permanente
- Vallejo, CA 1999 - 2001
Senior Physical Therapist and PNF Instructor
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
- San Jose, CA 1990 - 1999
Physcial Therapist II
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
- Honolulu, HI 1988 - 1990
Physical Therapist
University of Vermont 1984 - 1988
BS, Physical Therapy