Awards and Publications:
Member, Board of Trustees of the Oley Foundation (2005), Excellence in Academic Medicine Award, Illinois Department of Public Aid (2003), BAPS Prize, The British Association of Pediatric Surgeons (1996), Jeppesen PB, Pertkiewicz M, Messing B, Iyer K, Seidner DL, O'keefe SJ, Forbes A, Heinze H, Joelsson B. Teduglutide reduces need for parenteral support among patients with short bowel syndrome with intestinal failure. Gastroenterology 2012 Dec; 143(6)., Sheflin-Findling S, Arnon R, Lee S, Chu J, Henderling F, Kerkar N, Iyer K. Partial internal biliary diversion for Alagille syndrome: case report and review of the literature. Journal of pediatric surgery 2012 Jul; 47(7)., Willis AD, Miloh TA, Arnon R, Iyer KR, Suchy FJ, Kerkar N. Hepatopulmonary syndrome in children - is conventional liver transplantation always needed?. Clinical transplantation; 25(6).,Arnon R, Annunziato R, Schiano T, Miloh T, Baisley M, Sogawa H, Contreras AG, Lee S, Kerkar N. Orthotopic liver transplantation for adults with Alagille syndrome. Clinical transplantation; 26(2)., Kerkar N, Morotti RA, Iyer K, Arnon R, Miloh T, Sturdevant M, Suchy F, Florman S, Emre S. Anti-lymphocyte therapy successfully controls late . Clinical transplantation; 25(6)., Superina R, Magee JC, Brandt ML, Healey PJ, Tiao G, Ryckman F, Karrer FM, Iyer K, Fecteau A, West K, Burns RC, Flake A, Lee H, Lowell JA, Dillon P, Colombani P, Ricketts R, Li Y, Moore J, Wang KS. The anatomic pattern of biliary atresia identified at time of Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy and early postoperative clearance of jaundice are significant predictors of transplant-free survival. Annals of surgery 2011 Oct; 254(4)., Sentongo TA, Kumar P, Karza K, Keys L, Iyer K, Buchman AL. Whole-blood-free choline and choline metabolites in infants who require chronic parenteral nutrition therapy. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 2010 Feb; 50(2)., Miloh T, Kerkar N, Parkar S, Emre S, Annunziato R, Mendez C, Arnon R, Suchy F, Rodriguez-Laiz G, Del Rio Martin J, Sturdevant M, Iyer K. Improved outcomes in pediatric liver transplantation for acute liver failure. Pediatric transplantation 2010 Nov; 14(7)., Chu J, Kerkar N, Miloh TA, Rodriguez-Laiz G, Lewis B, Stangl A, Newton KP, Iyer K, Arnon R. Roux-en-Y loop varices in children with portal hypertension after liver transplantation: an unusual cause of . Pediatric transplantation 2011 Dec; 15(8)., Miloh T, Annunziato R, Arnon R, Warshaw J, Parkar S, Suchy FJ, Iyer K, Kerkar N. Improved adherence and outcomes for pediatric liver transplant recipients by using text messaging. Pediatrics 2009 Nov; 124(5)., Fiel MI, Wu HS, Iyer K, Rodriguez-Laiz G, Schiano TD. Rapid reversal of parenteral-nutrition-associated cirrhosis following isolated intestinal transplantation. Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 2009 Sep; 13(9)., Gondolesi G, Selvaggi G, Tzakis A, Rodríguez-Laiz G, González-Campaña A, Fauda M, Angelis M, Levi D, Nishida S, Iyer K, Sauter B, Podesta L, Kato T. Use of the abdominal rectus fascia as a nonvascularized allograft for abdominal wall closure after liver, intestinal, and multivisceral transplantation. Transplantation 2009 Jun; 87(12)., Fiel MI, Sauter B, Wu HS, Rodriguez-Laiz G, Gondolesi G, Iyer K, Schiano TD. Regression of hepatic fibrosis after intestinal transplantation in total parenteral nutrition liver disease. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2008 Aug; 6(8)., Sentongo TA, Cohran V, Korff S, Sullivan C, Iyer K, Zheng X. Intestinal permeability and effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus therapy in children with short bowel syndrome. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 2008 Jan; 46(1)., Byrne TA, Wilmore DW, Iyer K, Dibaise J, Clancy K, Robinson MK, Chang P, Gertner JM, Lautz D. Growth hormone, glutamine, and an optimal diet reduces parenteral nutrition in patients with short bowel syndrome: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Annals of surgery 2005 Nov; 242(5)., Iyer KR, Horslen S, Torres C, Vanderhoof JA, Langnas AN. Functional liver recovery parallels autologous gut salvage in short bowel syndrome. Journal of pediatric surgery 2004 Mar; 39(3)., Iyer KR, Spitz L, Clayton P. BAPS prize lecture: New insight into mechanisms of parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis: role of plant sterols. British Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Journal of pediatric surgery 1998 Jan; 33(1).