Owner/Omnidesigner at dba Envisage Design Studio (Sole Proprietorship)
dba Envisage Design Studio
since Sep 2001
Platt College 1997 - 2000
University of Colorado Boulder 1979 - 1981
Metropolitan State College of Denver 1978 - 1979
Design engineering education would be in my future and a Master's Degree in Fine Art would be a wish come true. All of that applied to creating a more "Green" approach to my industry/trade is one of my main goals.
If I could get more involved in my hobby of Autocross and Rally racing import cars, and find a shop w/ tools and a patient mentor mechanic, I would love to rebuild my '74 BMW 2002 to race!
Honor & Awards:
Graduated Cum Laude 2000. Platt College B.A., in Advanced Computer Graphic Arts and Web Design.