Hospital Rotation at Chickasaw Nation Division of Health - Ardmore, OK
Fourth year rotation
Private Practice & Contact Lens rotation at East Dallas Family Eye Care - Dallas, TX
Fourth year rotation
Disease Rotation Anterior Segment & Glaucoma at Cataract LASIK Philadelphia with Dr. James S. Lewis, Ophthalmologist - Philadelphia, PA
Fourth year rotation
The Pediatric & Binocular Vision Clinic at Pennsylvania College of Optometry - Philadelphia, PA
Fourth year rotation
The Eye Institute at Pennsylvania College of Optometry - Philadelphia, PA
Optometric Intern
Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University - Philadelphia, PA
Doctor of Optometry in Optometry
Pennsylvania College of Optometry - Philadelphia, PA
Bachelor of Science in Major: Visual Science
Portland State University - Portland, OR
Bachelor of Science in Major: Microbiology & Minor: Chemistry
Hanoi University of Technology - Vietnam, PR
Bachelor of Science in Major: Computer Science