Owner/PT at Kathleen Boyle Physical Therapy, yoga physical therapy at Yoga Physical Therapy (Sole Proprietorship)
Kathleen Boyle Physical Therapy
Yoga Physical Therapy
since 1994
yoga physical therapy
University of saint augustine
2007 - 2011
Ambassador rehab
2009 - 2010
Facility Rehab Director
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences 2007 - 2010
tDPT in progress, physcial therapy
University of Delaware 1992 - 1994
MPT, physical therapy
New College of Florida 1985 - 1988
BA, science, psychology
My interests include yoga, meditation, running, music, Thai food, more Thai food, Indain food, massage, learning anything and everything about healing, psychonueroimmunology, marketing, and learning how to be more successful in business while helping others as well. I enjoy helping people and seeing them succeed. Also family and travel, especially Hawaii and hiking in nature.