Presidential Inauguration
Briefing Coordinator
Organizing for America - Charlotte, NC
Early Vote Organizer
Democratic National Convention Committee - Charlotte, NC
Volunteer Coordinator
Compiled the Operations Department Year End Report - Charlotte, NC
Executive Assistant to the Senior Advisor for Operations
Organizing for America - Charlotte, NC
Organizing for America Fellow
Democratic National Convention Host Committee - Charlotte, NC
Volunteer Research Assistant
Office of Charlotte City Councilman David Howard - Charlotte, NC
Volunteer Research Assistant
U.S. Department of State - Fulbright Fellowship - Indonesia
English Teaching Assistant
Office of Congressman Melvin L. Watt - Washington, DC
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Intern
United States Department of Justice - Atlanta, GA
United States Department of Justice Intern
Obama for America - Atlanta, GA
Campaign volunteer
AFL-CIO - New Orleans, LA
Union Summer Intern
Spelman College - Atlanta, GA
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Honors College - Phi Beta Kappa - Magna Cum Laude
MS Suite, VoteBuilder, Dashboard, Quickbase, The Registration System (TRS), Google Doc and Form