Counseling, Marriage & Family Therapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy
3972 24Th St, San Francisco 94114
(415) 364-3006 (Phone)
Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Mental Disabilities, Relaxation Therapy, Sex Therapy
Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Anxiety Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety, Separation, Asperger Syndrome, Asperger's Disease, Asperger's Disorder, Asperger's Syndrome, Depression, Depressive Disorders, Depressive Episode, Marijuana Abuse, Marijuana Addiction, Marijuana Amotivational Syndrome, Marijuana Smoking, Marijuana Withdrawal, Marriage Break-Up, Mental Disability, Mental Illness, Relational Problems, Relationship Disorders, Religious or Spiritual Problem, Sex Addiction, Sexual Abuse Of Adult, Sexual Abuse Of Child, Sexual Aversion Syndrome, Sexual Conditions, Sexual Desire Disorders, Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Headache, Sexual Problems
Do you know what want? Do you want to be free? Happy? Relaxed in your body? Content? Passionate and sexy? Courageous in the face of fear? More connected to your partner or to the Divine?
Do yo constantly judge yourself? Noticing all the ways you "fail" to live up to way you "should" be. Or do you tend more to direct that criticism outwards? Blaming others, feeling envy, or always waiting for external circumstances to line up just right so you can finally live how you want.
I will help you build your self-esteem. Through lively, interactive (dare I say, even playful?) sessions I'll help you get out of your own way. I can teach you how to love and respect yourself, how to take responsibility for what you can control, and how to accept what you cannot with grace and compassion.