Marriage & Family Therapy, Addiction Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Counseling, Psychology, Psychotherapy, Substance Abuse Counseling
12 E Mill Rd, Flourtown 19031
(215) 836-4276 (Phone), (215) 233-1081 (Fax)
Couples Therapy, Family Therapy, Marital Therapy, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Evaluation, Psychotherapy, Psychotherapy (Group), Sex Therapy
ANGER, Mental Illness, Psychotherapy, Relational Problems, Sex Addiction, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Problems
PsiChi National Honor Society, 2003
I believe in the power of the human spirit. Each person has the opportunity to strive for increased happiness, goodness, truth and freedom. Human weakness can potentially stand in the way of this journey. When we allow our weakness to inhibit our process of becoming fully human, society sometimes labels this mental illness or dysfunction. The practice of psychology attempts to heal troubled minds and return us to the path of personal progress. Psychology has done wonders to enhance the power of the human spirit, but can sometimes diminish the value of powers outside of ourselves in the healing process. I believe that the pursuit to become fully human can be improved by a heightened awareness of how one relates to self and others. This connectedness is an essential element to happiness and fulfillment. For some, this connectedness also manifests itself in the experience of the world and higher powers outside themselves. I like to include spirituality in the therapeutic process.