Morgan & Finnegan Inellectual Property Law
1775 Street N Eye West FLOOR 4TH, Washington 20006
Dist. of Columbia - Active 1955
Pace UniversityDegree MS - Master of Science - TaxationGraduated 1986
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyDegree MS - Master of Science - Electrical EngineeringGraduated 1962
George Washington University National Law CenterDegree JD - Juris Doctor - LawGraduated 1954
George Washington UniversityDegree BS - Bachelor of Science - Electrical EngineeringGraduated 1948
Tufts UniversityDegree BS - Bachelor of Science - EngineeringGraduated 1945
Patent Application - 20%
Trademark Application - 20%
Copyright Application - 20%
Antitrust / Trade Law - 20%
Litigation - 20%
District of Columbia Bar - Member, 1995-present
American Intellectual Property Law Association - Member, 1991-present
Virginia State Bar - Member, 1972-present