Project Manager at Machado and Silvetti Associates Inc.
Machado and Silvetti Associates Inc.
since Jun 2008
Project Manager
Machado and Silvetti Associates Inc.
Jun 2006 - Jun 2008
Senior Designer
Machado and Silvetti Associates Inc.
Jul 2004 - Jul 2006
Marlon Blackwell Architect
Jan 2004 - Apr 2004
Warner and Cunningham Inc.
May 2001 - Aug 2001
Intern Designer
May 2000 - Aug 2000
Intern / Web Designer
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville 1998 - 2004
B.Arch, Architecture, Design, Technology and History
Rome Study Center, Italy 2003 - 2003
Santa Cruz Cooperative School 1984 - 1998
Design competitions range from commercial to cultural including the DAMAC Apartment Tower Competition in Beirut, Lebanon, Rotana Suites Hotel Competition in Beirut, Lebanon, Kuala Lumpur Financial District Competition in Singapore, in addition to the Mint Museums Competition, which was awarded 1st prize and won Machado and Silvetti Associates commission as Design Architects in 2006
Design as a way of thinking process and means of resolving, Self-Improvement & Development, Watercolors, Swimming, Guitars ...
Honor & Awards:
Young Architects Exhibition, 22nd Annual Build Boston, 2006, 'Andata e Ritorno' Publication, University of Arkansas, Rome Study Center, Italy, 2003, Guest Studio Critic, Wentworth Institute of Technology, 2005, 2006, Guest Studio Critic, Boston Architectural Center, 2006, Professional Honors with Machado and Silvetti Associates:, AIA New England Honor Award, âÃÂÃÂAmerican University of Beirut, Olayan School of BusinessâÃÂÃÂ, Cityscape Architectural Review Awards, Sports and Leisure Future Award âÃÂÃÂCitadel SquareâÃÂÃÂ, International Forum Design, Product and Design Award âÃÂÃÂCitadel SquareâÃÂà, Progressive Architecture Award, âÃÂÃÂAmerican University of Beirut, Olayan School of BusinessâÃÂà, With Marlon Blackwell Architects:, Gulf States Regional AIA, Design Honor Award âÃÂÃÂBlessing Golf ClubhouseâÃÂÃÂ, Arkansas State AIA, Honor Award âÃÂÃÂBlessing Golf ClubhouseâÃÂÃÂ