Physiatrist, Physical Therapist & Physiatrist
5 East 98Th Street, New York, NY 10029
Medical School - SUNY Downstate Medical Center, MD
SUNY Downstate Medical Center (Internship - Internal Medicine)
UMDNJ - New Jersey Med Sch (Residency - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)
Orthopaedic & Spine Specialists (Fellowship - Sports Medicine)
Cornell University (BS with Honors)
Awards and Publications:
Elwood DM, Kirschner JS, Melvin JL. CMS Rehabilitation Policy: Expediency vs. Efficiency. Health Policy Newsletter 2006; 19(2): 4.,Kirschner JS, Foye PM, Cole JL. Piriformis Syndrome: Response. Muscle And Nerve 2010; 41(3): 429-430., Elwood DM, Kirschner JS, Moroz A, Berliner J. Exploring systems-based practice in a sample of physical medicine and rehabilitation residency programs.. PMR 2009; 1(3): 223-228., Elwood DM, Kirschner JS. Rehabilitation Policy: Bracing for the future. The PM & R Resident 2008; 17(2)., Foye PM, Kirschner JS. Ganglion Impar In: Furman MB, ed. In: Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures . Philadelphia, PA, Elservier;., Kim R, Kirschner JS, Furman MB. Essential fluoroscopic techniques and tricks. In: Furman MB, ed . In: Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier;., Kirschner JS, Cole JL, Foye PM. Piriformis Syndrome: diagnosis and treatment. Muscle And Nerve 2009; 40(1): 10-18., Kirschner JS, Furman MB, Berkwits L. Introduction In: Furman MB, ed. In: Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures . Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier;., Kirschner JS, Furman MB. Needle Techniques. In: Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures In: Furman MB, ed. Philadelphia, PA, Elsevier;., Kirschner JS. Radial Neuropathy, In Visco CJ, Chimes GP, eds. In: Mclean Course in Electrodiagnostic Medicine. New York, NY, Demos;., Spinner D, Kirschner JS. Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided Superficial Trigeminal Nerve Blocks Using Methylene Blue in Cadavers. Pain Medicine 2012; 13(11): 1469-1473.
Board certifications:
American Board Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Dr. Kirschner is a board certified specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), Sports Medicine and Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He completed
subspecialty fellowship t...