John McBride - Coral Springs FL, US
Mark Templeton - Gulf Stream FL, US
Nathan Anderson - San Jose CA, US
CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC. - Fort Lauderdale FL
International Classification:
H04L 12/58
Described herein are methods and systems for displaying an email conversation similar to an instant message format by integrating aspects of an email system with an instant messaging interface. In one aspect, messages may be sent over existing email channels using email protocols through email servers and an email system (e.g., email client and/or email server) may identify the messages as cross-platform messages (CPM) based on whether the message body includes either no or only predefined content, or the message includes a predefined unique identifier. If a message is identified as a CPM then the message is treated similar to an instant message and may be displayed in a threaded view. In some embodiments, messages having content in the body may be treated as conventional email messages.