John B. Taylor - Cincinnati OH
General Electric Company - Cincinnati OH
International Classification:
F02K 100
A method and apparatus are disclosed for spoiling thrust from combustion gases discharged from an aircraft gas turbine engine at ground idle operating condition. The method comprises the step of positioning a secondary exhaust flap of the exhaust nozzle to form a diffuser for the combustion gases at the ground idle operating condition for maintaining attachment of the combustion gases along the secondary exhaust flaps for spoiling thrust. An exemplary and preferred exhaust nozzle is provided wherein the secondary exhaust flaps are positionable in part independently of primary exhaust flaps so that the primary and secondary flaps may be disposed together in different positions during ground idle, dry, and augmented operating conditions of the engine. Thrust spoiling allows the engine to be operated at relatively high core speeds for providing bleed-air at relatively high pressure or electrical power from a generator, or both, without attendant relatively high thrust from the engine at the ground idle operating condition.