Spinal Fusion Surgery, Disc Surgery, Spine Surgery, Spinal Decompression, Spine (Back) & Neck Surgery (Spinal Fusion), Spinal Surgery With Instrumentation, Discectomy
Premier Spine Care
5525 W 119Th St SUITE 210, Overland Park 66209
Shawnee Mission Medical Center
9100 West 74Th St, Shawnee Mission 66204
Premier Spine Care
5525 W 119Th St SUITE 210, Overland Park 66209
Shawnee Mission Medical Center
9100 West 74Th St, Shawnee Mission 66204
Dr. Ciccarelli is a co-founder of PREMIER SPINE CARE. Dr. Ciccarelli completed a fellowship in Spine Surgery at the Scoliosis and Spine Center under the direction of world renowned spine surgeon, Dr. Paul McAfee (former Chief of Spine Surgery at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland).
His practice is limited to orthopaedic spine surgery. Areas of expertise include: complex reconstructive procedures of the lumbar spine, revision spinal surgery, and minimally invasive spinal procedures.
Medical Schools
University Of Florida College Of Medicine
Graduated: 1997