OnCall Urgent Care Center - Northampton, MA
Physician Assistant Shadowing
Springfield College Math Science Support Center
Springfield College Academic Success Center - Springfield, MA
Personal content tutor
Canobie Lake Park - Salem, NH
Springfield College EMS - Springfield, MA
Shaw's Supermarkets - Windham, NH
Springfield College - Springfield, MA
General Studies Degree with concentration in health sciences pre-pa and nutrition minor
Salem High School - Salem, NH
Windham Middle School - Windham, NH
Windham Center School - Windham, NH
Cumberland Elementary School - Sunnyvale, CA
I have enrolled in classes that have taught me clinical skills such as inserting a catheter, placing 12-lead EKGs, starting IVs, drawing arterial blood, and intubating. I have taken two semesters of history and physical where I learned to perform a complete history and physical from head to toe, taking vitals such as blood pressure, and reading and writing charts. I have taken two semesters of clinical medicine, human anatomy, and clinical anatomy which includes a cadaver lab where I was able to dissect and investigate the human body.