PsyCare Solutions, Inc.
Clinical Psychologist
Private Practice
Clinical Psychologist
Children's Crisis Treatment Center
Team Leader/Supervisor
The Trauma Center at JRI - Brookline, MA
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Trauma Center at JRI - Brookline, MA
Clinical Extern
Community Healthlink - Worcester, MA
Clinical Extern
Bournewood Health Systems - Brookline, MA
Mental Health Worker
Bournewood Health Systems - Brookline, MA
Clinical Psychology Practicum Extern
Advocates Inc. - Waltham, MA
Residential Counselor
The Bromfield School - Harvard, MA
Clinical Psychology Practicum Extern
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology - Boston, MA
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology
Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology - Boston, MA
MA in Professional Psychology
University of Maryland - College Park, MD
BA in Communication Studies
Assessment training includes: Psychological Assessment I&II, The Rorschach and Projective Testing, and adult and child trauma assessments. Assessments conducted for Childrens Crisis Treatment Center include EPSDT evaluations. Intake assessments conducted for The Trauma Center and Community Healthlink, and Sexual Abuse and Trauma Evaluations for The Trauma Center. Testing batteries completed include Wechsler Adult and Child Intelligence Scales, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Weschler Memory Scale, REY, The Stroop Color and Word Test, The Thematic Apprehension Test, The Rorschach, child projective evaluation drawings (e.g. House-Tree-Person, Kinetic Family Drawing) and the sexual assault Touch Continuum.