Chiropractic, Dietetics, Massage Therapy, Occupational & Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics
1772 W Golf Rd, Mt Prospect 60056
(847) 357-0001 (Phone)
Manipulation Adjustments of Back & Neck, Pain Management Through Physical Therapy, Physical Examination, X-Ray
Arthritis, Back Disorders, Back Injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Headache, Herniated Disc, Insomnia, Motor Vehicle Accident, Neck Injuries, Neck Pain, Shoulder Disorders, Traumatic Spine Disease, Weight Loss, Work-Related Injuries
Dr. Collins calls upon his 35 years of clinical experience in the care and treatment of your back pain and stiffness all without the use of drugs and surgery. His focus begins with the discovery of the CAUSE of your complaint and that process entails a thorough consultation, spinal examination and x-ray. This information helps to diagnose exactly what causes your complaint and explain it to you at the same time to your satisfaction.
Treatment consists of specific spinal manipulation (Gonstead/Diversified Technique), massage, ultrasound, muscle stim currents, percussion, stretching, cold laser, theraputic exercises and ice or heat depending on the injury. The goals are to first eliminate pain as quickly as possible and then restore any lost joint function in the spine through rehabilitation and then finally maintain what we have accomplished.
We encourage patients to ask questions so they may be better educated on how to stay healthy.
Undergraduate Schools
Southern Illinois University
Graduated: 1973
Palmer College Of Chiropractic
Graduated: 1977