Psychology, Marriage & Family Therapy
16 Fulton St, Charleston 29401
(843) 853-3456 (Phone), (843) 853-1941 (Fax)
Adult Trauma, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Modification, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Counseling-Adolescent, Counseling-Marital, Couples Therapy, Depression, Eating Disorders, Family Therapy, Psychological Assessment, Psychological Evaluation, Psychological Evaluations, Psychotherapy, Trauma
Anorexia, Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety, Anxiety Attack, Anxiety Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, Behavioral Disorders & Problems, Behavioral Problems, Behavioural Disorders, Bulimia, Bulimia Nervosa, Dependent Personality Disorder, Depression, Depressive Disorders, Depressive Episode, Disordered Eating, Dysthymia/Seasonal Depression Disorder, Pnd, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (Endos), Eating Disorders, Marriage Break-Up, Mood & Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorder, Mood Disorders, Mood Disorders Secondary To Medical Conditions, Mood Disorders-Depression, Psychotherapy, Relational Problems, Relationship Disorders, Religious or Spiritual Problem, Self Harm, Self-Injurious Behavior, Sexual Abuse Of Adult, Sexual Abuse Of Child, Sexual Problems, Trauma