James S. Watson - Phoenix AZ
Calcomp Inc. - Anaheim CA
International Classification:
G08C 2100
A digitizer wherein the transduction frequency is controlled (automatically or manually) to minimize the interference effect of sources of external AC fields, such as CRT monitors. The digitizer implements the method of operation comprising the steps of, connecting a source of a frequency higher than the frequency to be employed as the transduction frequency of the digitizer to the first input of a counter; receiving input pulses from the source at the first input of the counter; outputting output pulses which are employed to generate the transduction frequency in the digitizer at an output of the counter; selectively setting an initial count value at a second input of the counter; and, repeatedly counting from the initial count value at the second input to a terminal value, outputting an output pulse upon reaching the terminal value, and resetting to the initial count value after outputting each output pulse. The preferred automated method includes reading and saving the induced position voltages being employed by the digitizer, testing the saved voltages for any flutter, and setting the initial count value to an optimum level.