John R. Keelor - North Palm Beach FL
James L. Williams - Lake Park FL
United Technologies Corporation - Hartford CT
International Classification:
B29C 1700, B29C 1704, B29C 1707
A method and apparatus for forming hollow members wherein a preformed tube is placed between an upper and lower die having the finished tube contour, while each end of the preformed tube has a cylindrical end which is held by the dies; each cylindrical end is flared outwardly by the tapered end of a nozzle which is inserted and forced into each end forming a seal therewith. An incompressible forming substance is injected into one inlet nozzle through said preformed tube and out the other outlet nozzle into a chamber, a bleed valve permits purging the air; the substance is contained within said preformed tube and a piston is inserted into said chamber to increase the pressure on said substance. This finally forms the preformed tube into the shape set by the dies. The nozzles are located on axially sliding block members which are moved inwardly by a cam member moved downwardly by a press; after the forming, said block members being moved outwardly and said cam member being moved upwardly by spring biasing forces, said upper die having a biased alignment mechanism for fitting the upper die against said lower die before direct pressure forces said dies together.