Isaac Eliachar - Pepper Pike OH
Dat Nguyen - Lyndhurst OH
Charles Lane - Duxbury MA
Lewis H. Marten - Quincy MA
Hood Laboratories - Pembroke MA
International Classification:
A61M 1600, A62B 906
A stoma stent system for treating patients after tracheostomy and maintenance of a tracheastomy tract includes a tubular stent for insertion in the trachea and several plug components which may be inserted into the open, free end of the stent for several functions. For example, a plug may have several inserts for progressively constricting air flow through the stent to wean the patient off the stent. The same, or another plug may include a vapor source for transferring moisture from exhaled air to inhaled air. A third plug may include a check valve which blocks exhaled air and redirects the air toward the vocal cords to permit the patient to speak and cough.