Medical Practice in Philadelphia, PA

License number
Pennsylvania MD027671L
Medical Physician and Surgeon
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Personal information

See more information about ISAAC DJERASSI at
Isaac Djerassi
1820 Rittenhouse Sq APT 1401, Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 630-8936
Isaac Djerassi
2034 Delancey St #2F, Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 630-8933
Isaac Djerassi, age 103
2034 Delancey St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Isaac I Djerassi, age 99
1820 Rittenhouse St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 732-5638
(215) 732-0128
Isaac I Djerassi, age 99
2034 Delancey St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 735-3134
(215) 732-5639
(215) 732-5638

Organization information

See more information about ISAAC DJERASSI at

Isaac Djerassi MD

196 Mercy Hospital Of Philadelph, Philadelphia, PA 19143

(215) 748-9180 (Phone)
Isaac Djerassi

Professional information

Isaac Djerassi Photo 1

Method And Apparatus For Collecting Transfusable Granulocytes

US Patent:
4197847, Apr 15, 1980
Oct 20, 1977
Appl. No.:
Isaac Djerassi - Philadelphia PA
International Classification:
A61M 500
US Classification:
In carrying out the process of this invention, there is a closed bag system comprising a first bag used for sedimenting the red cells and a second bag used for collecting the sedimented red cells. The two bags are connected by a flexible plastic transfer tube. The sedimenting bag has a second transfer tube leading thereto for introducing the packed red and white cells and the Saline solution of a sedimenting agent. A third tube is connected to the sedimenting bag for withdrawing white cells. The red cell bag has a second tube for the addition of plasma and a third tube for returning the plasma and red cells to a vein of the donor. As an optional feature, the withdrawn whole blood passes directly to an interrupted flow centrifuge which spins off the plasma and platelets, and from which the packed red and white cells are pumped to the sedimenting plastic bag.

Isaac Djerassi Photo 2

Method Of Collecting Transfusable Granulocytes By Gravity Leukopheresis

US Patent:
4111199, Sep 5, 1978
Mar 31, 1977
Appl. No.:
Isaac Djerassi - Philadelphia PA
International Classification:
A61M 500
US Classification:
A leukopheresis process comprising removing a quantity of whole blood from the vein of a donor and depositing the blood in a plastic blood collection bag. The bag is then centrifuged in order to separate the red and white cells from the supernatant plasma and platelets. The platelet rich plasma is then expressed from the bag into a satellite bag. A solution comprising a red cell sedimenting agent in Normal Saline is then introduced into the bag containing the red and white cells. Preferably, the sedimenting agent is hydroxyethyl starch. After a short period of time, the red cells sediment to the bottom of the plastic bag, with the white cells, sedimenting agent and Saline remaining as the supernatant. The red cells are then removed from the bag, mixed with the platelet poor plasma, which is obtained by centrifuging the platelet rich plasma and removing the platelets, and the red cells and platelet poor plasma are returned to the donor by infusion into a vein. The white cells are removed from the Normal Saline and sedimenting agent solution by gravity or centrifugation, and are administered to a donee requiring granulocyte transfusions.