Harsaran S. Bhatia - Hopewell Junction NY
Harry J. Jones - Austin TX
Shashi D. Malaviya - Hopewell Junction NY
International Business Machines Corporation - Armonk NY
International Classification:
H03K 19013, H03K 19086, H03K 1704, H03K 1760
A new dotting circuit for integrated circuit chips which provides line switching, as well as simultaneous true and complementary outputs, while eliminating the need for the standard collector circuit voltage clamp. This circuit is implemented by the collector dotting of two or more input transistors, the collector dotting of their respective reference transistors, the emitter dotting of one input transistor and a reference transistor to a constant current source, the emitter dotting of the other input transistor and the other reference transistor to a different constant current source, and an inhibit circuit for permitting current to flow to only one of the emitter-dotted circuits in accordance with a logic control signal.