Harry C. Ledebur - Canfield OH
Wean United, Inc. - Pittsburgh PA
International Classification:
B21B 3112
Disclosed is a vertical stand of a sizing mill for rolling seamless tube in which each roll of the mill is contained in and supported by a yoke moveable both transversely of the product passline and axially of the roll axis, the latter adjustment being performed by an elevator arranged normally at the bottom of the mill for moving both yokes as a unit with their rolls, i. e. a yoke-roll set, through the top of the stand to a roll changing position where both yokes are transferred as a unit to one of two in-lined arranged side shifting carriages supported by the stand, the arrangement being such that when a used yoke-roll set is moved away from the stand at the top thereof by one of the carriages a replacement yoke-roll set is positioned above the stand of the other carriage in readiness to be received and lowered into the stand by the elevator.