Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine
Cloud Gate Acupuncture and Healing Arts
60 Garden Ctr SUITE 101, Broomfield 80020
(303) 506-0622 (Phone)
Allergies, Anxiety Conditions, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Digestive Disorders, Female Infertility, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Insomnia, Menopause, Migraine, Neck Pain, Premenstrual Syndrome, Stress
As an acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, I believe in empowering my patients by giving them the tools they need to reach their health care goals as quickly as possible, including dietary advice, qi gong exercises, and lifestyle recommendations. I integrate acupuncture, tuina (Chinese medical massage), crainosacral therapy and herbal therapy in my treatments. Our clinic also offers movement classes throughout the week for patient education and community wellness.
Medical School
Five Branches University
Graduated: 2010
Six Harmonies Traditional Medicine Apprenticeship Program
Graduated: 2012
Tulane University of Louisiana
Graduated: 2003