Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy
Chiropractic Care & Sports Rehab, Inc,
12401 Olive Blvd SUITE 101, Creve Coeur 63141
(314) 439-5548 (Phone), (314) 439-5766 (Fax)
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Back Problems, Bone & Joint Problem, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Headaches, Herniated Disc, Low Back & Neck Pain, Migraines, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Neck Disorders, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Scoliosis, Shoulder Problems, Spine Injuries, Sports Injuries, Sprains
Acute Headache, Acute Pain, Back and Neck Pain, Back Conditions, Back Injuries, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Headaches, Low Back Injuries, Neck Conditions, Neck Injuries, Neck Injury, Neck Muscle Strain, Neck Pain, Neck Problems, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Shoulder Conditions, Sports Injury, Whiplash Injuries
We provide the best in Chiropractic Care with the empasis on care. We work alongside you to determine the cause of your condition and then address your symptoms to produce healing. We'll discuss all avenues of treatment, even self-treatments (such as exercise and nutrition). As a team, we will speed any recovery and prevent recurrence. We provide only care that is effective, as long as it's prudent and only as it's needed. Chiropractic isn't just for pain. It restores and maintains good health.