Vu Chiropractic
10613 Bellaire Blvd Suite SUITE A-120, Houston 77072
(281) 498-1888 (Phone), (281) 498-1886 (Fax)
Ankle Problems, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Heel Pain, Joint Pain, Knee Problems, Leg Pain, Musculoskeletal Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Problems, Tendinitis, Tendonitis
Acute Pain, Ankle Problems, Arm Pain, Back Pain, Bicep Injuries, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cervical Sprain, Cervicogenic Headache, Chronic Pain, Chronic Pain & Chronic Pain Syndromes, Disc Pain, Discogenic Pain, Fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Headaches, Heel Pain, Hip Diseases, Disorders & Injuries, Hip Pain, Hip Problems, Joint Pain, Joint Problems, Knee Injury, Knee Pain, Knee Problems and Injuries, Knee Sprains, Leg Pain, Lower Extremity Trauma, Lumbar Disc Degeneration, Lumbar Herniated Discs, Lumbar Radiculopathy, Lumbar Sprain, Muscle Spasm, Muscle Weakness, Muscular Pain, Musculoskeletal Complaint, Musculoskeletal Pain, Myofascial Pain, Neck Injuries, Neck Pain, Neck Problems, Nerve Pain, Nerve Root Pain (Radiculopathy), Pain Of The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist & Hand, Post Surgery, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Shoulder Injury, Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Problems, Shoulder Sprains, Tendinitis, Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
As a profession, the primary belief is in natural and conservative methods of health care. Doctors of Chiropractic have a deep respect for the human body's ability to heal itself without the use of surgery or medication. We devote careful attention to the biomechanics, structure and function of the spine, its effects on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems, and the role played by the proper function of these systems in the preservation and restoration of health. A Doctor of Chiropractic is one who is involved in the treatment and prevention of disease, as well as the promotion of public health, and a wellness approach to patient healthcare.