Medical Practice in Grand Rapids, MI

License number
Pennsylvania MD418109
Medical Physician and Surgeon
Address 2
Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Personal information

See more information about GEORGE ENGLAND at
George England, age 59
11 Circle Dr, Jacobus, PA 17407
George England, age 100
7418 Irongate Rd, Canton, MI 48187
(734) 455-7269
George England, age 75
1032 Plank Rd, Everett, PA 15537
George England, age 76
2438 Berwyck Rd SE, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506
(616) 957-3572
George England
245 W Main St, Everett, PA 15537
(814) 404-5390

Professional information

George England Photo 1

Medical Practice Professional

Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area
Medical Practice
Bronson Methodist Hospital Jul 2004 - Sep 2008 - Neurosurgeon
Wayne State University School of Medicine 1997 - 2000
Fellowship, Brain Tumor-Stereotactic RT
University College London, U. of London 1984 - 1985
Fellowship, Neurology, Neurosurgery
Tulane University School of Medicine 1973 - 1977
MD, Medical

George England Photo 2

George England - Grand Rapids, MI

Neuro-Oncology HOSPITAL AFFILIATION Project Medi-Share, University of Miami - Miami, FL The Haitian Earthquake - Grand Rapids, MI
Senior Education
The Haitian Peoples - Grand Rapids, MI Federation of International Neurological Surgery - Roanoke, VA
Clinical Faculty
Henry Ford GBM Tumor Update - Detroit, MI Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Annual Meeting - Washington, DC Battle Creek Health Systems Cancer Symposium - Battle Creek, MI Choices and Applications of Neurosurgical Closure Materials, Teleconference, Temple University CNS Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA SI-Bon - New Orleans, LA
IFuse Implant System Surgeon Training Program
Boyne Mountain, Michigan - Cleveland, OH Compassionate Doctors - Southfield, MI Michigan Association of Neurological Surgeons Winter Meeting - Detroit, MI Consumers Research Council of America-"Top Surgeons" List - Miami, FL
Neurology and CMO, April, 2010; Chief and Director for Surgery, May
RECOGNITION First Place - Boston, MA Columbus Neurological Surgery-Locum Tenens - Kalamazoo, MI Henry Ford Spine Symposium - Detroit, MI Adult and Pediatric Spinal Trauma - Orlando, FL Mackinaw Island - Orlando, FL AANS Annual Meeting - Chicago, IL Bronson Hospital - Kalamazoo, MI
Trauma Liaison
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
History and Applications, KCMS Resident Conference, Bronson Hospital
Globus Medical Specialized Instrumentation - Kalamazoo, MI
Expert Panel
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting - San Diego, CA Pain of Spinal Origin - San Diego, CA Dynamic Stabilization - San Diego, CA AANS Annual Meeting - Washington, DC Michigan Trauma Symposium-Advances and Controversies in Trauma Care - Kalamazoo, MI RECOGNITION - Chicago, IL
Congress of Neurological Surgeons "Member Think Tank"
Treatment of Back Pain at BMH - Kalamazoo, MI
Neuroscience Nursing Staff, Bronson Hospital
Stop On - Mobile, AL CNS Tumor Genetics - Kalamazoo, MI Michigan Association CNS Tumor Update - Kalamazoo, MI AANS Annual Meeting - San Francisco, CA First Place - Kalamazoo, MI World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain - Pittsburgh, PA Charite Artificial Disc Comprehensive Training Program - Cincinnati, OH Biannual Combined AANS/CNS Tumor Symposium - San Francisco, CA Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma Conference @ Bronson Hospital - Kalamazoo, MI First International Symposium on Extracranial Radiosurgery - Detroit, MI Neurosurgery's Perspective on Pain Management - Grand Rapids, MI St. Mary's Hospital - Grand Rapids, MI Washington University - St. Louis, MO
Bethesda, MD
Neurosurgery's Perspective on Pain Management - Grand Rapids, MI Michigan Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting - Petoskey, MI Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia - Petoskey, MI American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting - Chicago, IL MRI Format Standard for the Evaluation of CNS Metastasis - Toronto, ON Interactive Image-Guided Surgery - Toronto, ON Glioma - Toledo, OH St Mary's Hospital - Grand Rapids, MI Medical College of Ohio - Toledo, OH
Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery
Annual Meeting - San Antonio, TX Dr. Todd Wetzel, University of Michigan Medical School - Ann Arbor, MI Vertebroplasty - San Antonio, TX Spinal Surgery - Detroit, MI
M.D., Lecture Series
Povishock - Detroit, MI
M.D., and 2-Day Symposium
Mini-Symposium on Radiation Oncology - Detroit, MI Neuro-ophthalmology - Toledo, OH Differential Diagnosis of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction - Toledo, OH Textbook Conference on Neurological Trauma - Toledo, OH Programmable Shunt Valves - Cincinnati, OH Medical College of Ohio - Toledo, OH
Lecturer and Demonstrator
Fourth Biennial Satellite Symposium - San Francisco, CA 10th International Meeting of the Leskell Gamma Knife Society - Squaw Valley, CA Radio-Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia, The Wayne State - San Francisco, CA MRI Format Standard for the Evaluation of CNS Metastases - San Francisco, CA Spine Stabilization - San Francisco, CA Stereotactic Spinal Techniques - San Francisco, CA
Developments in the Management of Head Trauma
The Future of Neuro - Detroit, MI
M.D., Gurdjian Lecture Series, Department of Neurosurgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury - Detroit, MI
W. Dalton Dietrich, Ph.D., Scientific Director, The Miami Project
Paul G. Finlayson, Ph.D., Department of Otolaryngology - Toledo, OH Byron - Toledo, OH
CNS Head Trauma
Neurophysiology and Neuropathology of Spinal Cord Injury - Toledo, OH Osteotech Medical Education Series, Neurosurgery Review Session - Detroit, MI Carotid Artery Stinting - Detroit, MI
M.D., Department of Neurosurgery, Wayne State University School of Medicine
Syringomyelia - Detroit, MI
Visiting Professor Series
Intrathecal Chemotherapy, Concepts and Usage - Chicago, IL Mini-Symposium - Detroit, MI Wayne State University - Detroit, MI Hands-on Work Shop - Detroit, MI Gamma Knife - New Orleans, LA The Fourth Detroit Neurosurgery Symposium - Detroit, MI Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia - Seattle, WA Biochemistry & Metabolism of Brain Tumors - Detroit, MI Meeting of the Leksell Gamma Knife - Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island Biochemistry & Metabolism of Brain Tumors - Detroit, MI By-Monthly Gurdjian Lecture Series - Detroit, MI Michigan Association of Neurological Surgery - Detroit, MI Congress of Neurological Surgeons - New Orleans, LA Spinal Cord Injury Workshop - New Orleans, LA Dakota - Denver, CO Providence - Yakima, WA
Permanent Hospital and Medical staff membership denied
Providence Hospital - Yakima, WA
ICU Nursing Staff, Providence Hospital
Providence Hospital - Bismarck, ND
Neurosurgery Development & Procedures
MedCenter One/ Q & R Clinic - Bismarck, ND MedCenter One - Bismarck, ND
Executive Committee
Medcenter One Health Systems Medical Conference Frameless Stereotaxic Neuro-Navigation - Minneapolis, MN Brain Attack - Bismarck, ND Neurosurgery - Vail, CO Neurosurgery Critical Care - Bismarck, ND Congress of Neurological Surgery - San Francisco, CA Percutaneous Approaches - Bismarck, ND Hennepin County Learning Center - Minneapolis, MN Dakota - Bismarck, ND Percutaneous Approaches - Bismarck, ND Neurosurgery Society of Alabama - Orange Beach, AL Percutaneous Approaches - Bismarck, ND American Association of Neurological Surgery - San Diego, CA Occupational Spine Disorders, A Multi-System Dilemma - Bismarck, ND Congress of Neurological Surgery - Washington, DC Dr. George England - Neurosurgery - Muscle Shoals, AL Shoals Medical Center/ Helen Keller Hospital - Muscle Shoals, AL Degenerative and Deformity - Salt Lake City, UT Guidelines - Chicago, IL Colbert County Medical Society - Killen, AL Southern Illinois University School of Medicine - Chicago, IL American Association of Neurological Surgery - New Orleans, LA Humana Hospital Shoals -PRO Update - Birmingham, AL Mutual Assurance - Florence, AL Colbert County Medical Society - Muscle Shoals, AL Mayfield Institute, University - Cincinnati, OH Neurosurgery Society of Alabama - Florence, AL Congress of Neurological Surgeons - Atlanta, GA Shoals Medical Seminar - Killen, AL Colbert County Medical Society - Killen, AL Roanoke Memorial Hospital - Roanoke, VA Neurosurgery Anesthesia and Critical Care - Williamsburg, VA Roanoke Memorial Hospital/ Lewis Gale Hospital - Roanoke, VA Dr. Weaver, Weaver, and England -Neurosurgery - Roanoke, VA Congress of Neurological Surgery - New Orleans, LA Midas - New York, NY Medical Lecture - Roanoke, VA Malignant CNS Lymphoma - Roanoke, VA Southwestern Virginia Medical Society - Roanoke, VA National Institute of Neurology - London Royal Society of Medicine - London Royal College of Radiologists Basic Brain Anatomy - New Orleans, LA International Brain Tumor Conference - London Southern Neurological Society - New Orleans, LA Muscular Dystrophy - New Orleans, LA
Senior Rotation Lecture Series, Tulane Medical School
Tulane Medical Center - New Orleans, LA Louisiana Neurosurgery Society - New Orleans, LA Aspergillosis- Fungal CNS Infections - New Orleans, LA Tulane Medical Center - New Orleans, LA Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - Washington, DC Tulane Medical Center - New Orleans, LA Louisiana Neurosurgery Society - New Orleans, LA First International Symposium on Extracranial Radiosurgery - Detroit, MI First International Symposium on Extracranial Radiosurgery - Detroit, MI Treatment of Back Pain at BMH - Kalamazoo, MI
Senior Education, Aquinas College, Grand Rapids
Fundamental Principles & Techniques in Spine Surgery - Las Vegas, NV
Head Trauma
Wayne State University - Detroit, MI
University of London - London
Tulane Medical Center - New Orleans, LA
Tulane University School of Medicine
Tulane Medical School of Medicine - New Orleans, LA
Mississippi State University - Starkville, MS
MS in Genetics
Mississippi College - Clinton, MS
BS in Biology
Baldwyn High School - Baldwyn, MS