George S. Nelson - Salt Lake City UT
International Classification:
B07B 900
The present invention discloses a novel machine that, by a dry process, will segregate granules of different specific gravities. The machine first segregates the granules as to size, regardless of their specific gravities and regardless of the multiplicity of the sizes (within limits set by the machine). In the next step the machine feeds individual granules side by side ranging progressively from fine to more coarse into a stream of air that ranges in carrying power from low to high in a sequence corresponding to the increasing sizes of the granules that fall through it. The carrying power of the air stream is regulated to convey granules having the same specific gravity to the same container, regardless of the sizes of the granules. Granules of different specific gravities will be deposited in different containers. Thus gold will be segregated from silver, and silver from copper etc.