Healing Handz Physical Therapy
42 Parsonage Rd, Edison 08837
(732) 902-2700 (Phone)
91 Albert Ave, Edison 08837
(732) 910-5138 (Phone), (732) 516-1518 (Fax)
Ankle Replacement, Coronary Atherectomy, Elbow Arthroscopy, Fracture Care, Gait Analysis, Hip Arthroscopy, Hip Fracture & Dislocation Treatment, Hip Replacement, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation After Stroke or Trauma, Shoulder Arthroscopy
Achilles Tendinitis, Achilles Tendon Contracture, Achilles Tendon Rupture, Ankle Disorders, Ankle Fracture, Ankle Injury, Ankle Instability, Ankle Ligament Rupture, Ankle Sprain, Arm Disorders, Arm Fracture, Arm Injuries, Arthritis, Arthritis of the Ankle, Arthritis of the Foot, Arthropathy of Spinal Facet Joint, Arthroscopy of the Wrist, Back Disorders, Back Injuries, Back Sprain, Balance Disorders, Broken Collarbone, Broken Elbow, Broken Finger, Broken Hand, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cartilage Tear, De Quervain's Disease, Degenerative Diseases Affecting Musculoskeletal System, Degenerative Disorders, Degenerative Joint Disease in the Knee, Degenerative Joint Disease in the Shoulder, Degenerative Spinal Disorders, Degenerative Spine Diseases, Disc Disorders, Disc Prolapse, Discitis, Discogenic Pain, Elbow Disorders, Elbow Injuries, Elbow Sprain, Facet Joint Pain, Facet Syndrome, Fall, Femur Fracture, Foot Fracture, Fracture, Fractured Lower Leg, Gait Abnormality, Gout, Heel Pain, Heel Spurs, Herniated Disc, Hip Arthritis, Hip Disorders, Hip Injury, Hip Pain, Hip Sprain, Osteoarthritis of Ankle, Osteoarthritis of Elbow
We treat patient as a whole and work to prevent recurrences. We educate the patient to self treat by making him/her realize and correcting the mistakes in day to day life. At Healing HandZ Physical Therapy.. We Feel, We Share, We care...