Michael W. Pfeiffer - Savage MN, US
Eric D. Johnson - Minneapolis MN, US
Seagate Technology LLC - Scotts Valley CA
International Classification:
B21D 39/03, B65B 21/02
A disc cassette delidder and feeder system that includes a frame supporting; a feed-in conveyor with a movable conveyor portion, a delidder assembly attached to a lid elevator, a caddy grip and rotate assembly secured to a caddy elevator, and a re-lid assembly portion of an out-feed conveyor. The feed-in conveyor advances a disc cassette with a caddy portion confining a disc to the delidder assembly, the delidder assembly removes a lid portion of the disc cassette, the caddy grip and rotate assembly secures and rotationally aligns the caddy portion for removal of the disc, the caddy elevator indexes the caddy portion to finally present the disc for removal from the caddy portion, and the re-lid assembly confines the caddy portion while the delidder assembly rejoins the lid portion to the caddy portion.