3+ years experience at school dental clinic.
Bucks County Technical High School - Fairless Hills, PA
High School Diploma in Dental Assisting
Appointment scheduling, Dental chart-register patients, medical/dental history, periodontal probe recordings, Setting up an operatory, Cleaning up an operatory/disinfection, Sterilizing instruments, Taking blood pressure, Setting up topical fluoride gel, foam, or varnish, Assisting the patient with disclosing, brushing, and flossing-patient education, Charting teeth, Transferring instruments, Moisture control (suctioning with HVE), Assembling local anesthetic, Mixing dental materials, Taking alignate impressions, Pouring dental models, Constructing bleaching trays/mouth-guards, Setting up for application of dental sealants, Assembling XCPs for x-ray, Digital x-rays-Eaglesoft-Schick sensors, Conventional x-rays, Develop x-rays, Mount x-rays, Eaglesoft Dental software.