Elizabeth Sanders - Houston TX, US
Rodger Fields - Houston TX, US
International Classification:
A tool which gathers relevant improvement data at each particular plant location, for each particular technology and line. This improvement data can be the various underlying data needed for analysis and can include the intended or estimated efficiency increase for given areas of effort, with the relevant costs, manpower and so on. When all of the data for the relevant plants around the world has been inputted, this information is then transferred to a global storage location so that all data from all plants can be accessed simultaneously. With this multi-line, multi-facility data available, reporting structures are developed to allow simplified analysis of the particular improvements and related costs, resources and other factors. Reporting results can be easily developed along a myriad of relationships, such as by geography, by technology, by resource, and so on. Reviewing the derived report selections, at various levels of detail as desired, of all of the facilities around the world, an analyst can readily determine the optimal use of capital and resources to improve overall global system efficiency.