Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Atlanta, GA
Tuberculosis Research Fellow
L' Institut Pasteur
Mycobacterium Research Intern on Study Abroad
Mercer University - Atlanta, GA
Masters of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies
University of Wisconsin Madison - Madison, WI
BS in Biology
Surgical proficiency in: Subcuticular suturing, closure of wounds by suture, staples, and dermabond, knot-tying, instrument tying, asepsis and instrument identification, assisting movements, incision and drainage, wound care and dressing changes, and removal of chest tubes Surgical experience in: Endovascular technique and capability, pre-op workup and preparation, venous radiofrequency ablation, vascular anastomosis, tissue handling i.e. vascular patch, ultrasound guided central line and arterial line insertion, LMA placement, CPR, assisted respiration, basic laparoscopy skills, laparotomy opening and closing, surgical biopsy, casting and splinting Strengths: Works well in a team, lifelong learner, humility, integrity