David Lee Chavez - Broomfield CO, US
David Scott Mohler - Arvada CO, US
Brett Alan Shockley - Eden Prairie MN, US
Avaya Inc. - Basking Ridge NJ
International Classification:
H04M 3/00
A complete social network based, urgent matter, communications solution and response system is provided. The system can monitor one or more social networks (or other sources of information) for the presence of keywords, scalar urgency ratings, the identity and/or number of the parties submitting the urgent requests, temporal factors such as day, date, time, time zone, or the like, in an effort to determine which social network posts or communications are urgent, and optionally prioritize or rank pending urgent matters. The system can also determine who should be involved with solving or addressing the urgent matter. The system can also determine the presence of the parties needed to solve the urgent matter, and can, based on the presence information, setup a real-time or near real-time communications session between the parties to address the urgent matter.