David Charles Katz
Engineers in Salt Lake City, UT

License number
Utah 361976-2202
Issued Date
Aug 5, 1998
Expiration Date
Mar 31, 2017
Engineer/Land Surveyor
Professional Engineer
Salt Lake City, UT

Professional information

David Katz Photo 1

P.e., Sr. Staff Metallurgical Engineer

Sr. Staff Metallurgical Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer at Northwest Pipeline
Greater Salt Lake City Area
Oil & Energy
Northwest Pipeline - Greater Salt Lake City Area since Oct 1994 - Sr. Staff Metallurgical Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer ExxonMobil - Greater New Orleans Area May 1982 - May 1991 - Drilling Engineer, Sr. Drilling Engineer
Tulane University - A.B. Freeman School of Business 1988 - 1991
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), International Finance
The University of Texas at El Paso 1978 - 1982
Bachelor of Science (BS), Metallurgical Engineering
Microsoft Office, Logistics, Microsoft Excel, Customer Service, Project Management, Microsoft Word, Strategic Planning, PowerPoint, Negotiation, Change Management, Budgets, Operations Management, Team Building, Project Planning

David Katz Photo 2

Method And System For Detection And Prevention Of Stress Corrosion Cracking In Buried Structures

US Patent:
5728943, Mar 17, 1998
Mar 15, 1996
Appl. No.:
Leslie G. Colter - Montgomery TX
David C. Katz - Salt Lake City UT
Frank E. Rizzo - Spring TX
Northwest Pipeline Corporation - Salt Lake City UT
International Classification:
G01N 1700
US Classification:
A method and system for detecting and preventing Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) in buried pipelines or other structures is presented. The basic principle of the invention is to use a plurality of test coupons which are placed in the same environment as a pipeline or other structure of interest as indicators of the development of SCC in the structure of interest. Loading and temperature of the test coupons are controlled. The test coupons are given a range of different Cathodic Protection (CP) levels, with the range of CP levels selected so as to encompass the CP level at which SCC would be expected to occur. The occurrence of cracking in a test coupon indicates levels of CP which will sustain SCC. SCC is prevented in the structure by application of a level of CP which did not sustain SCC.