David Owen Peterson - Lehi UT, US
Tim Harris - Lehi UT, US
Brian Douglas Minert - Orem UT, US
Bryan Craig Pino - Riverton UT, US
Nicholas Bauer Ramond - Draper UT, US
Mark Erik Rasi-Koskinen - Riverton UT, US
Incontact, Inc. - Midvale UT
International Classification:
H04M 1/64
A method for an automated call distribution system to re-associate a caller with a queue position previously established in an on-hold queue. The method includes receiving a first incoming call from a caller and assigning the caller to a position in an on-hold queue when the caller is placed on-hold by the automated call distribution system. A placeholder for the caller may then be assigned in the on-hold queue when the caller disconnects with the automated call distribution system. The placeholder corresponds to the position of the caller in the on-hold queue and is associated with a caller identifier. The method further includes receiving a second incoming call from the caller and associating the second incoming call with the caller identifier. It is then determined that the caller is associated with the placeholder. The caller is placed back into the on-hold queue at the position of the placeholder.