Austin Spine & Sport
7756 Northcross Dr, Austin 78757
(512) 386-1876 (Phone), (512) 394-6572 (Fax)
Acute and Chronic Care, All Foot/Ankle Issues, Alternative Medicine, Ankle Arthritis, Ankle Disorders, Back Disorders, Back Problems, Elbow Problems, Herniated Disc, Knee Disorders, Knee Ligament Reconstruction, Knee Problems, Men's Sports Medicine, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Muscle Problems, Neck Disorders, Nerve Compression, Nerve Problems, Physical Therapy, Rotator Cuff Injury, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Second Opinion, Shoulder Problems, Spinal Decompressions, Spine Injuries, Sports Injuries, Sports Injuries and Arthritis Of The Foot/Ankle, Sports Medicine, Sports Medicine and Related Injuries, Sports Medicine Related Procedures, Sprains, Ultrasound, Ultrasound-Musculoskeletal
Alternative Medicine, Ankle Arthritis, Ankle Disorders, Back and Neck Pain, Back and Neck Surgery, Back Injuries, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Elbow Problems, Headache, Herniated Disc, Knee Dislocations, Knee Injuries, Knee Injury, Knee Ligament Reconstruction, Knee Ligament Rupture, Knee Osteoarthritis, Knee Pain, Knee Problems and Injuries, Knee Repair (Acl/Pcl/Arthroscope), Knee Sprain, Knee Sprains, Knee Tendinitis, Muscle & Nerve Problems, Nerve Compression, Numbness/Tingling, Physical Therapy, Rotator Cuff Injury, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Shoulder Arthritis, Shoulder Bursitis, Shoulder Conditions, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, Shoulder Injuries, Shoulder Injury, Shoulder Instability, Shoulder Ligament Rupture, Shoulder Muscle Strain, Shoulder Osteoarthritis, Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Problems, Shoulder Separation, Shoulder Sprain, Shoulder Sprains, Shoulder Tendinitis, Sports Injury, Sports Medicine, Sprains, Ultrasound
Dr. Bockmann helps both athletes and less active people recover from neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions by using non-invasive treatments, including spinal manipulation, functional rehabilitation, physiotherapy, nutrition advice and lifestyle modification.
His overall approach is holistic, which means he considers not only the injured area, but any other contributing or affected body systems.
Dr. Bockmann's treatment approach is outcomes-driven. This means he sets specific functional and pain goals for each patient, and uses only proven methods to achieve them.
Perhaps most importantly, he educates patients on how to prevent future recurrences and maintain healthy activity and lifestyle habits.
Medical School
Texas Chiropractic College
Graduated: 2000
Koala Health & Wellness (Sports Medicine)
Graduated: 1999
Team Physician-Central Texas Wolf Pack Football
Graduated: 2009