To Render Professional Medical Services By Physicians Specializing In Internal Medicine And Duly Licensed To Practice Medicine In The State Of Rhode Island, Medical Doctor's Office
Doing business as:
Coventry Primary Care Associates
(401) 827-0714 (Phone), (401) 821-6981 (Phone)
Business type:
Domestic Profit Corporation
Office Managers:
Timothy Manown (President, Internal Medicine, Medical Doctor), 1620 Nooseneck Hl Rd, Coventry, RI 02816 (Physical),Donald B. Hebb (Treasurer), 1620 Nooseneck Hl Rd, Coventry, RI 02816 (Physical),Donna Hull (Office Manager),...
Cynthia J. Warren, Esq,Cameron & Mittleman Llp, Providence, RI 02908 (Physical)