Candace Sidner - Newton MA, US
Christopher Lee - Arlington MA, US
International Classification:
A system and method manages an interaction between a user and an interactive embodied agent. An engagement management state machine includes an idle state, a start state, a maintain state, and an end state. A discourse manager is configured to interact with each of the states. An agent controller interacts with the discourse manager and an interactive embodied agent interacting with the agent controller. Interaction data are detected in a scene and the interactive embodied agent transitions from the idle state to the start state based on the interaction data The agent outputs an indication of the transition to the start state and senses interaction evidence in response to the indication. Upon sensing the evidence, the agent transitions from the start state to the maintain state. The interaction evidence is verified according to an agenda. The agent may then transition from the maintain state to the end and then idle state if the interaction evidence fails according to the agenda.