Family Medicine, Dietetics, Internal Medicine, Nursing (Nurse Practitioner), Preventive Medicine
12401 7Th Ave SUITE 2, College Point 11356
(917) 214-9196 (Phone)
Acute and Chronic Care, Adolescent Health, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Behavioral Health, Blood Glucose Monitoring, Breast Exams, Chronic Disease, Counseling-Adolescent, Diabetes Care, Employer/Employee Screenings, Family Medicine, Family Planning, Contraceptive Care & Counseling, Immunizations (Vaccinations), Nutritional Counseling, Physicals, Preventative Medicine (Health & Behavior Consultations & Assessments), Preventive Medicine, Primary Care, Weight Loss, Weight Management, Woman's Health & Wellness
Allergy Testing, Chronic Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Copd), Diabetes, Diabetes and Chronic Disease Management, Family Medicine, Fatigue, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Obesity, Primary Care, Thyroid Problems, Women's Health
My personal philosophy of advanced practice nursing goes along with what my personal philosophy for nursing practice has been over the past15 years.First,I do no harm & provide client centered care,goal oriented toward achieving & maintaining wellness.To first do no harm, is inherent in all aspects of nursing as a discipline, science and practice profession.The idea of leaving a client worse off is unthinkable.Informed caring for the well-being of others, is one of the well-known def of nursing
Medical School
Pace University Advanced Practice Nursing
Graduated: 2011
Elmhurst Hosp
Woodhull Hosp
Elmhurst City Hosp
Nassau Community College, Garden City
Graduated: 2004
Nyack College, Ny
Graduated: 2006
Suffolk County Community College, Selden
Graduated: 2007