Bernard Wolzenski - St. Louis MO, US
Jack Desemar - Baton Rouge LA, US
Charles Afeman - Baton Rouge LA, US
International Classification:
G06Q 40/00
The financial planning tool is software defining a data structure which generates a financial-estate plan using liquidity analysis of a comprehensive list of client assets (categories I-IV, personal, reserve capital, unprotected retirement, and protected retirement assets). The system obtains asset net equity before and after tax and calculates life annual income based on a financial formula with modifiable variables. Current estate tax values and liquidity at-death values for estate conditions (client and spousal death, spousal survival and client survival). Post-death annual income is calculated. Comparing unprotected and protected life annual income for asset categories I-III vs. IV with goals, identified surpluses and deficiencies result in transfer or liquidation-repurchase of assets between categories. Conventional life insurance is either purchased or cancelled or a daily rated, minimum at risk death premium life insurance product is purchased.